A Lot of A Lot

As the year rolls onward to its end, we’re just getting started over here at The Scribbling Lion. December is already filled with plans and to-do lists involving the business of running a small, event based bookstore. We’re getting ready for the inaugural run of ConVivial of Williamsburg, which will also be our triumphant return to the convention scene — or, I should say, my return, both as author and as bookseller.

It’s exciting and terrifying in about equal measure, to be honest.

Exciting, because not only do I have a batch of really cool books lined up to sell, I’m also branching out into coffee mugs! I have three designs so far, all writing-related. The order page goes up soon, I promise, it’s on that to-do list. Newsletter subscribers have a shot at a special deal on the mugs, so sign up fast — the December edition of The Irregular Update is coming out by this weekend, at a guess. (I never promise exact dates on the newsletter. It’s called irregular for a reason!)

The post-its are piling up in drifts, as is the laundry, so I have to leave you for now. But new products will soon be showing up in the Shop, so keep an eye on that, and on this site in general, for news! Stuff is going to start happening around here. It’s gonna be a lot.

A lot of a lot.

Stay kind, and spread joy!