
What Is A Scribbling Lion?

A Scribbling Lion is a rare and fantastical creature. With claws (we* are assured) trimmed stylishly short, it reads, it writes, it roars in approval. There are no extant pictures of this creature; it's quite shy and retiring. We aren't even entirely sure how many of them there might be. Probably only one. But one never really knows with fantastical creatures, does one?

Every so often, we get a delivery containing news, reviews, and various observations about creativity. We post those on this site, following our core mission of connecting excellent readers with excellent writing.

To buy any of the books we mention, if they are not currently listed in our Shop, please consider one of the following sources, or look up your local indie bookstore (IndieBound is an excellent resource for this!) and order from them.

Excellent Small Bookstores:

Orielis Books

Oakley's Gently Used Books

Fountain Bookstore

Chop Suey Books

Publishers that the Lion recommends without reservation:

Falstaff Press

Mocha Memoirs Press

* Note about the usage of "we" vs "I" throughout this site:

While Leona R Wisoker is the single owner of The Scribbling Lion Bookstore, it's very much a joint effort in many ways. It's an awkward decision on which framing to use; the best compromise is to use "we" when referring to the store as a whole, and "I" when referring to Leona's personal projects and opinions.